It is complete with its own identity, social Ws Numbers List network, its own rules and enforcement and even a functioning economy. It’s the newest macro-goal for many of the world’s tech giants – Matthew Ball, Amazon Facebook has now Ws Numbers List put 10,000 employees on metaverse projects, Google has already launched many cool Ws Numbers List projects , as has Amazon with Lumberyard and Sumerian . Apple will most likely launch its own AR glasses soon. With an amazing reach
, the company obviously has great Ws Numbers List potential to set up its own metaverse with all kinds of different functionalities, which fit in Ws Numbers List nicely with its own products. But just like with Second Life, the strength will come Ws Numbers List from all organizations that will set up one metaverse together. Instead of all making their own world. A vision that spans many companies;
the whole industry. It will be an Ws Numbers List embodied internet – Mark Zuckerberg Get rid of the walled gardens Leaving aside the cool plans of the big technology giants… the metaverse could, in my view, put many wrong developments Ws Numbers List around the internet back on the right track. The endless stream of disclosures and lawsuits surrounding privacy violations,